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How I’m Helping Huggies Donate Diapers

Disclaimer: Thank you Huggies® for sponsoring this post. All opinions expressed and photos herein are my own.

Stocking up on our diaper purchase to help families in need

Did you know this week is National Diaper Need Awareness Week? What is it you ask? It’s a week to draw attention to the issue of diaper need in America. I stocked up on diapers this month knowing my purchase is going towards a very good cause. After reading this post, I hope you take part in this Huggies® diaper donation as well.

Key Diaper Need Statistics to Know

When we announced we were expecting twins to our friends and after their initial shock, our friends would joke about the amount of diapers we would need. But for some families, it’s no joke. It’s a struggle.

According to the National Diaper Bank Network, “1-in-3 American families reports experiencing diaper need.” Further, of the parents in diaper need, 3-in-5 report missing work or school because they lack the diapers required to place their child in daycare.

Huggies to Donate Up to 1 Million Diapers this Month

Because of this diaper need, Huggies has teamed up with the National Diaper Bank Network since 2011 to donate and distribute more than 220 million diapers to support families struggling with diaper need.

This month, Huggies will donate two days’ worth of diapers for each Huggies purchase at Walmart (in-store or online) up to 1 million diapers to the National Diaper Bank Network to help families in need.

2 Simple Ways You Can Help Families with Diaper Needs

Cruz and Levi have been in Huggies diapers since they were born. For the past 14 months, I have found myself struggling to keep up with them and their needs. As a mom, I understand that we want to make sure our children have enough to make it through the day, especially diapers. As part of my partnership with Huggies, I want to pay it forward and ensure that every family has access to diapers for their baby’s (or babies’) health.

Here are two simple ways you can help families with diaper needs.

Purchase Huggies Diapers at Walmart (in store or online) this month

Head to your nearest Walmart or go online and make a Huggies diaper purchase in September. It’s that simple! Your Huggies diaper purchase at Walmart this month will trigger two days’ worth of diapers to a family in need. Think of it this way, purchasing your baby’s diapers will help a family in need.

We will be at our nearest Walmart this weekend and will definitely be purchasing more Huggies diapers to spark the donation.

Build Awareness on Social Media

Post about the diaper need issue to your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram). Let your followers and/or friends know what they can do to help by purchasing Huggies diapers at Walmart this month. You can even share this blog post with them!

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